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The Dalai Lama, who is 85, was administered the first shot of the coronavirus vaccine on Saturday at a hospital in the north Indian hill town of Dharamsala....
तिबेटचे 14 वे आध्यात्मिक गुरू दलाई लामा यांनी आपल्याच एका व्ह...
Dalai Lama has apologised. The apology comes after a video of him kissing a child on the lips and asking him to suck his tongue, went viral. The Dalai Lama ap...
এবার ক্ষমা চাইলেন দলাই লামা। এক কিশোরের ঠোঁটে চুম্বন এবং তাক...
Devotees attend a rare Buddhist ceremony in India held by the Dalai Lama....